PITT OHIO Electronic Data Interchange Implementation Guide

Transaction Set:
211 – Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
Functional Group ID: BL
X12 Standard Version: 4010
211 - Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
Transaction Set 211 is used as a replacement of, or supplement to, a paper bill of lading. It is not to be used to provide a motor carrier with data related to a load tender, pick up manifest, or appointment scheduling.
Not Defined
ID Segment Name Max Use
ISA Interchange Control Header 1
GS Functional Group Header 1
ID Segment Name Max Use
ST Transaction Set Header 1
BOL Beginning Segment for Motor Carrier
Bill of Lading
MS2 Equipment or Container Owner or Type 1
B2A Set Purpose 1
L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number 100
G62 Date/Time 6
K1 Remarks 10

Loop Id – 0100
N1 Name 1
N2 Additional Name Information 1
N3 Address Information 2
N4 Geographic Location 1
G61 Contact 3

Loop Id – 0200
AT1 Bill of Lading Line Number 1
L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number 100
AT4 Bill of Lading Description 99
Loop Id – 0210
AT2 Bill of Lading Line Item Detail 1
SPO Shipment Purchase Order Detail 99
Loop Id – 0230
G61 Contact 4
Loop Id – 0231
LH1 Hazardous Identification Information 1
LH2 Hazardous Classification Information 4
LFH Freeform Hazardous Material 20
L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number 5
SE Transaction Set Trailer
ID Segment Name Max Use
GE Functional Group Trailer 1
IEA Interchange Control Trailer 1

ISA - Interchange Control Header

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To start and identify an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange
related control segments.

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
ISA01 01

Authorization Information Qualifier

M ID 2/2
ISA02 02 Authorization Information M AN 10/10
ISA03 03

Security Information Qualifier

M ID 2/2
ISA04 04 Security Information M AN 10/10
ISA05 05 Interchange ID Qualifier M ID 2/2
ISA06 06 Interchange Sender ID M AN 15/15
ISA07 07

Interchange Receiver ID Qualifier

M ID 2/2
ISA08 08

Interchange Receiver ID

M AN 15/15
ISA09 09 Interchange Date M DT 8/8
ISA10 10 Interchange Time M TM 4/4
ISA11 11 Interchange Control Standards Identifier
M ID 1/1
ISA12 12 Interchange Control Version Number M ID 5/5
ISA13 13 Interchange Control Number M N0 9/9
ISA14 14 Acknowledgement Requested
M ID 1/1
ISA15 15

Interchange Usage Indicator
T = Test
P = Production

M ID 1/1
ISA16 16 Component Element Separator M ID 1/1

GS - Functional Group Header

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To indicate the beginning of a functional group and to provide control information.

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
GS01 479 Functional Identifier Code
BL – Bill of Lading
M ID 2/2
GS02 142 Application Sender’s Code M AN 2/15
GS03 124

Application Receiver’s Code

M AN 2/15



M DT 8/8
GS05 337 Time M TM 4/8
GS06 28 Group Control Number M N0 1/9
GS07 455 Responsible Agency Code M ID 1/2
GS08 480 Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code
M AN 1/12

ST - Transaction Set Header

Position: 010

Level: Heading
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
ST01 143 Transaction Set Identifier Code M ID 3/3
ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9

BOL - Beginning Segment for the Motor Carrier Bill of Lading

Position: 020

Level: Heading
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data related to the transaction set

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
BOL01 140 Standard Carrier Alpha Code
M ID 2/4
BOL02 146

Shipment Method of Payment
CC – Collect
PP – Prepaid

M ID 2/2
BOL03 145 Shipment Identification Number
Bill of Lading Number
M AN 1/30
BOL04 373 Date M DT 8/8
BOL05 337 Time O TM 4/8
BOL06 127 Reference Identification
Pro Number
O AN 1/30

B2A - Set Purpose

Position: 030

Level: Heading
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To allow for positive identification of transaction set purpose

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
B2A01 353

Transaction Set Purpose Code
00 – Original
01 – Cancellation
04 – Revision

M ID 2/2

MS2 - Equipment or Container Owner and Type

Position: 050

Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

To specify the owner, the identification number assigned by that owner, and the type of equipment

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
MS201 140

Standard Alpha Code

C ID 2/4
MS202 207 Equipment Number C AN 1/10
MS203 40

Equipment Description Code
TL – Trailer

X ID 2/2

L11- Business Instructions and Reference Number

Position: 060

Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 100

To specify instructions in the business relationship or a reference number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
L1101 127

Reference Identification

C AN 1/30
L1102 128

Reference Identification Qualifier
BM – Bill of Lading Number
PO – Purchase Order Number
CO – Customer Order Number
SO – Shipper’s Order

C ID 2/2

G62- Date/Time

Position: 070

Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

To specify pertinent dates and times

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
G6201 432

Date Qualifier

X ID 2/2
G6202 373

Date expressed as CCYYMMDD

X DT 8/8
G6203 176 Time Qualifier X ID 1/2
G6204 337 Time X TM 4/8
G6205 623 Time Code O ID 2/2

AT5 - Bill Of Lading Handling Requirements

Position: 080

Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 50

To identify Bill of Lading handling and service requirements

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
AT501 152

Special Handling Code
EP – Expedite
FR – Fragile Handle with Care
NC – Notify Consignee Before Delivery
DNF – Do Not Freeze
IDL – Inside Delivery

X ID 2/3

K1 - Remarks

Position: 090

Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 10

To specify comments or special instructions

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
K101 61

Free-form message

M AN 1/30
K102 61 Free-form message C AN 1/30

Loop 0100

Max Use: 10

To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

Loop Summary:
Pos Id Element Name
100 N1


110 N2 Additional Name Information
120 N3 Address Information
130 N4 Geographic Location
140 G61 Contact

N1 - Name

Position: 100

Loop: 0100
Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

To identify a party by type of organization, name and code

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
N101 98

Entity Identifier Code
SH - Shipper
CN - Congignee
BT - Bill To

M ID 2/3
N102 93 Name C AN 1/60
N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier C ID 1/2
N104 67 Identification Code C AN 2/80

N2 - Additional Name Information

Position: 110

Loop: 0100
Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

To specify additional names or those longer the 35 characters in length

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
N201 93


M AN 1/60
N202 93 Name O AN 1/60

N3 - Address Information

Position: 120

Loop: 0100
Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

To specify the location of the named party

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
N301 166

Address Information

M AN 1/55
N302 166 Address Information O AN 1/55

G61 - Contact

Position: 140

Loop: 0100
Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 3

To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Contact Number Qualifier
SH – Shipper Contact
HM – Hazardous Material Contact
IC – Information Contact

X ID 2/2
G6102 93 Name O AN 1/60
G6103 365 Communication Number Qualifier
TE – Telephone
FX – Facsimile
X ID 2/2
G6104 364 Communication Number X ID 1/80

N4 - Geographic Location

Position: 130

Loop: 0100
Level: Heading
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

To specify the geographic place of the named party

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
N401 19

City Name

O AN 2/30
N402 156 State or Province Code O ID 2/2
N403 116 Postal Code O ID 3/15
N404 26 Country Code O ID 2/3

Loop 0200

Max Use: 9999

To reference a Bill of Lading line number

Loop Summary:
Pos Id Element Name
010 AT1 Bill of lading Item Number
020 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number
040 AT4 Bill of lading Description
050   Loop 0210
110   Loop 0230

AT1 - Bill of Lading Line Item Number

Position: 010

Loop: 0200
Level: Detail
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To reference a Bill of Lading line number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Lading Line Item Number

M N0 1/3


L11 - Business Instructions and Reference Number

Position: 020

Loop: 0200
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 100

To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Reference Identification

X AN 1/30
L1102 128

Reference Identification Qualifier
ZZ – Mutually Defined

X ID 2/3
L1103 352 Description X AN 1/80

AT4 - Bill of Lading

Position: 040

Loop: 0200
Level: Detail
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 99

To specify the lading description

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Lading Description

M AN 1/50

Loop 0210

Max Use: 1

To specify Bill of Lading quantity, weight, and commodity classification

Loop Summary:
Pos Id Element Name
050 AT2

Bill of Lading Line Item Detail

070 SPO Shipment Purchase Order Detail

AT2 - Bill of Lading Line Item Detail


Loop: 0210
Level: Detail
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To specify Bill of Lading quantity, weight, and commodity classification

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
AT201 80

Lading Quantity

M N0 1/7
AT202 211 Package From Code M ID 3/3
AT203 187 Weight Qualifier
G – Gross Weight
M ID 1/2
AT204 188 Weight Unit Code
L - Pounds
M ID 1/1
AT205 81 Weight M R 1/10
AT206 80 Lading Quantity X N0 1/7
AT207 211 Packaging Form Code X ID 3/3
AT209 22 Commodity Code O AN 1/30
AT210 59 Freight Class Code O AN 2/5

SPO - Shipment Purchase


Loop: 0210
Level: Details
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 99999

To specify the purchase order details for a shipment

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes
SPO01 324

Purchase Order Number

M AN 1/22

Loop 0230

Max Use: 2

To identify a person or office to whom communications should be directed

Loop Summary:
Pos Id Element Name
110 G61


140   Loop 0231

G61 - Contact

Position: 110

Loop: 0230
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 4

To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Contact Number Qualifier
HM – Hazardous Material Contact
IC – Information Contact

X ID 2/2
G6102 93 Name O AN 1/60
G6103 365 Communication Number Qualifier
TE – Telephone
FX – Facsimile
X ID 2/2
G6104 364 Communication Number X ID 1/80

Loop 0231

Max Use: 25

To specify the hazardous commodity identification reference number and quantity

Loop Summary:
Pos Id Element Name
140 LH1 Hazardous Identification Information
150 LH2 `Hazardous Classification Information
170 LFH Freeform Hazardous Material Information
210 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number

LH1 - Hazardous Identification Information

Position: 140

Loop: 0231
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

To specify the hazardous commodity reference number and quantity

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

M ID 2/2
LH102 80 Lading Quantity M N0 1/7
LH103 277 UN / NA Identification Code O ID 6/6
LH110 254 Packing Group Code O ID 1/3

LH2 - Hazardous Classification Information

Position: 150

Loop: 0231
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 4

To specify the hazardous notation and endorsement information

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Hazardous Classification

O ID 1/30

LFH - Freeform Hazardous Material Information

Position: 170

Loop: 0231
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 20

To uniquely identify the variable information required by government regulation covering the transportation of hazardous material shipments

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Hazardous Material Shipment Information Qualifier

M ID 3/3
LFH02 809

Hazardous Material Shipment Information

M AN 1/25

L11 - Business Instructions and Reference Number

Position: 210

Loop: 0231
Level: Detail
Usage: Optional

Max Use: 5

To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Reference Identification

X AN 1/30
L1102 128

Reference Identification Qualifier
ZZ – Mutually Defined

X ID 2/3
L1103 352 Description X AN 1/80

SE - Transaction Set Trailer

Position: 220

Level: Detail
Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Number of Included Segments

M N0 1/10
SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9

GE - Functional Group Trailer

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To indicate the end of the functional group and to provide control information

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Number of Transaction Sets Included

M N0 1/10
GE02 28 Group Control Number M N0 1/9

IEA - Interchange Control Trailer

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

To indicate the end of an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange related control segments

Element Summary:
Ref Id Element Name Attributes


Number of Included Functional Groups

M N0 1/5
IEA02 12 Interchange Control Number M N0 9/9