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Sustainability - Wellness Initiative

Wellness Logo

At PITT OHIO, our most significant resource is our people, so we've extended our mission to be People Driven beyond the workplace. In 2007, PITT OHIO initiated a company-wide wellness program in an effort to encourage our employees to Eat Right, Be Fit and Live Well.

The goal of the program is to improve our employees' health and safety. In order to allow each employee the opportunity to perform to his or her greatest potential, we take care of our people. And in turn – our employees take exceptional care of our customers.

May 2024 – Settling an Anxious Mind 

When something triggers you to begin feeling stressed or anxious, try to calm your mind and body from racing thoughts and uncomfortable sensations. One of the best things to do is to breathe deeply and slowly for a few moments. This taps into your body’s natural calming response.

Try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique: Name 5 things you can see around you, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. Or do a 5-minute burst of high-energy exercise, such as running on the spot or walking briskly. Another way is to find a temporary distraction, like doing housework, listening to calming music, or petting your fur baby. Or try to gain control over one small thing, like organizing your desk or de-cluttering a small space in your home. It also helps to talk over your feelings with a trusted friend. 

Sustainability - Eat Right

Eat Right – Regulate Stress   

Eating a balanced diet can significantly impact anxiety levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and chia seeds, can help reduce anxiety systems. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains can boost serotonin levels, promoting a sense of calm. Magnesium-rich foods like spinach and almonds can also help regulate stress. Incorporate nutrient-dense foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein to support overall well-being and mental health.

 Sustainability - Be Fit

Be Fit – Release Endorphins

Regular exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Activities like yoga, running, or dancing can release endorphins, improving mood and reducing anxiety. Strength training can also help build resilience to stress. Incorporating daily movement into your routine can provide a sense of accomplishment and promote better sleep, further reducing anxiety levels. Engage in regular exercise such as walking, jogging, yoga, or any activity you enjoy, to help reduce stress and anxiety through the release of endorphins. 

 Sustainability - Live Well

Live Well – Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can calm an anxious mind. Deep breathing exercises can help regulate the nervous system and reduce stress. Spending time in nature, such as going for a walk in the park or gardening, can have a grounding effect and lower anxiety levels. Engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy can distract from anxious thoughts and promote relaxation. Build a support system of friends, family, or a therapist whom you can talk to about your feelings and seek help when needed, fostering a sense of connection and emotional well-being.