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Logistics Technology Solutions

Today’s supply chain is complex and changing every day.  We can help with our technology solutions that take collaboration to the next level.  We listen to understand and implement solutions that will make an impact on your business.  Our approach is not just to tell you what you should do, but to help you get there. 

We have expertise in the areas of:

  • Transportation Management – LogiFlow
    • The industry is accustomed to a shipper-centric TMS with a shipment-based approach. We are different.  We offer an intuitive user interface that manages transportation and supply chain visibility with an order and item-based methodology.  Our technology platform is a cloud-based integrated order fulfillment and transportation intelligence system.   The turnkey Transportation Intelligence Platform allows shippers, suppliers, and carriers to break through the standard technology conformity associated with a TMS. 
  • Parcel Consultation – TransImpact
    • Looking for a new way to negotiate your small parcel spend? By knowing what, when and how to ask for discounts during the negotiation process, we will demonstrate significant savings for your company.  Let’s start with a free analysis from experts with 150 years of experience to look for opportunities to reduce your costs.
  • Safety & Compliance – Idelic
    • Proactively predict and prevent crashes, reduce driver turnover, and lower insurance costs. Sound good?  With our end-to-end driver performance management platform, built specifically for you, we help you take action.  Let’s get started by consolidating your data and system into one location, then you can analyze it with proprietary machine learning models, and act on hidden insights.