LTL Shipment Tracing | PITT OHIO
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LTL Shipment Tracing

Enter up to 10 Less-Than-Truckload Pro numbers or up to 10 Less-Than-Truckload Bill of Lading numbers to view your current shipment status.

Please note that you must be logged in to view images along with the shipment tracing results

Select a date within seven (7) days of the shipment's pickup date

Note: Shipments originating in NY state may have delayed or limited tracking visibility at this time. Updates are under construction to bolster shipment tracking speed and capabilities at these locations: Albany, Buffalo, Utica, Watertown. If you are in need of tracking assistance or confirmation, please click here to email us about your shipment(s).

Did you know that you can integrate PITT OHIO Less-than-Truckload (LTL) Shipment Tracing in to your own corporate web site? Click here for more information and instructions on how to set this up.

Notice: The use of this tool is intended for parties privy to said shipment, including the shipper, consignee and billing party. Any other use is strictly prohibited