EDI Trading Partner Profile | PITT OHIO
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EDI Trading Partner Profile

To initiate an EDI partnership we request that you provide the following information. After completion, our EDI Specialist will work with you to develop a program that will best fit your needs and to discuss any special requirements you might have.

EDI Contact Information

Date:   Thursday, February 6, 2025

Transaction Set

Outgoing Transactions

210 For:

Incoming Transactions

PITT OHIO Receiver/Sender ID's

  • GS: PITD
  • Qualifier: 02

Client Sender/Receiver ID's

PITT OHIO Network Preferences (Please Select One)

No charge-preferred method

No Charge method

Possible charge pertransaction

Terms and Conditions:

Any business conditions and terms stated in the master business agreement related to paper invoicing and payment also applies to electronic invoicing. In the case of 214 documents, the trading partner will be responsible for any transmission fees to retrieve information from the Van. We recommend that trading partners perform a thorough test to ensure successful process through communications and translation.